Where to Travel in 2024 According to Your Astrological Sign

From restorative solo vacations to adventure-packed escapes, plan your 2024 travels with these astrologer-approved recommendations.

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A Caribbean adventure could be in the cards for many. Consider St. Kitts, an AFAR pick for where to go in 2024.

Photo by Nancy Pauwels/Shutterstock

We’ve got big plans for travel in 2024 here at AFAR. From South Pacific islands to classic European cities, our lineup of must-visit destinations in the new year is admittedly stacked. If you’re wondering how to choose among so many attractive options, why not turn to astrology for some assistance?

To better understand how astrology may impact our 2024 travels, we chatted with Adama Sesay a professional astrologer at lilithastrology.com, and author of Black Moon Lilith Rising and the Black Moon Lilith Cosmic Alchemy Oracle.

The biggest astrology event in 2024 is the planetary transit of Pluto moving into Aquarius as the new year starts in January, which will last for the next 20 years. This transit occurs once every few hundred years, and the last time we experienced it was around the American Revolution. Sesay says that this shift will not only impact the world, but it’ll also have a major impact on our travels throughout the year. Along with this shift in travel, we can expect innovations in technology, as well as strides made toward humanitarian efforts on a global level.

Also, Jupiter, a planet that influences travel, personal growth, and luck, will undergo two notable changes next year. For the first half, Jupiter will be in Taurus until May 24, 2024 (a favorable movement since Taurus is associated with rebirth and new life—think indulgent, luxurious trips to faraway destinations). On May 25, 2024, Jupiter will move into Gemini (associated with restricted travel to your local area) until 2025.

During this time, be prepared for more pesky impediments to your travel plans such as unexpected delays. “There may be more restrictions and more paperwork required the second half of the year that we need to watch out for,” says Sesay. So before you head to the airport for any big 2024 trips, double-check that any necessary paperwork, such as visas, are in order and give yourself extra cushion time to get to the airport. While the direct impact of both transitions on your travels will depend on your exact astrology chart, it can be helpful to be aware of general astrology trends that may impact travel for everyone.

In addition to offering a 2024 astrology forecast, Sesay shared insight on the best times and locations for each sign to explore in the coming year. These recommendations don’t just apply to your sun sign (the astrological season you were born in); Sesay recommends also looking at your rising sign (the sign ascending in the east at the moment you were born) as well. Keep reading to discover what the new year may have in store for your travels.

Capricorns could get the chance for some real downtime this year. Bali beckons.

Photo by Igor Tichonow/Shutterstock


December 22–January 19

“Capricorns are very hardworking and they go to the grindstone, so taking time out for themselves can sometimes seem foreign,” says Sesay. Whether you’re relaxing in Bali or sipping cocktails on the world’s most beautiful beaches, you’re going to want to immerse yourself in the finer parts of travel: decadent cocktails, multi-course dinners, and long afternoons at the spa. While it’s notoriously difficult for you to remove yourself from the grind, Jupiter in Taurus for the first half of the year will facilitate the energy for a real vacation, maybe even with a partner or someone special.

Best dates to travel

During Taurus season after Mercury Retrograde ends, from April 25 to May 20.


January 20–February 18

As Sesay mentioned, Pluto will be moving into Aquarius at the top of the year for the next 20 years. That means you, Aquarius, can expect to experience something of a life transformation in 2024. This is the perfect opportunity to go on a transformative trip and learn more about yourself, possibly even solo. May we recommend a mushroom retreat?

Best dates to travel

While the sun is in Libra, from September 23 to October 22.


February 19–March 20

For Pisces, 2024 is all about keeping it local, especially while Jupiter is in Taurus (until May 24, 2024). Whether you’re looking to pad your savings account or put yourself on a budget, Sesay predicts that you’ll be focusing on your finances big time. This will put a spotlight on exploring your local city and nearby cities via staycations. If you choose to travel, it will likely be a great learning experience, making a wellness retreat a good option.

Best dates to travel

If you’re looking to travel abroad during 2024, your best bet is during Scorpio season from October 23 to November 21, while the sun activates travel in your life.


March 21–April 19

For Aries, 2024 will be a year of financial stability with Jupiter in Taurus (until May 24, 2024). Sesay predicts that some Aries will want to indulge in their travels especially during the first half of the year with “relaxing, oasis type trips, where there’s just all the beauty, and they can really be one with nature, and get away from the challenges they may have had previously when it comes to finances.” During the second half of the year, you’ll get your fill of excitement by planning adventure-filled getaways like ski trips, safaris, and more.

Best dates to travel

During Sagittarius season from November 22 to December 21.


April 20–May 20

With Jupiter in their sign for the first half of the year, Taureans can expect to experience great deals of personal growth and self-actualization. To help tap into that energy, Sesay recommends a wellness retreat or a getaway to a new country where you can get in touch with yourself. As you’re the sign of indulgence, you’ll also want to enjoy food, beauty, and nature on your travels. “Taurus just went through a really challenging eclipse cycle the past year and a half or so. So I think this first half of the year is going to be a time for them to truly give back to themselves,” she says.

Best dates to travel

During Taurus season after Mercury Retrograde ends, from April 25 to May 20.


May 21–June 20

With Jupiter in Gemini in the second half of the year (starting May 25, 2024), you may experience a strong urge to travel and experience life-changing trips. You’ll likely be drawn to traveling to challenging destinations throughout 2024 or you’ll want to help others while traveling.

Best dates to travel

During Gemini season, both the sun and Jupiter will be in your sign. However, you’ll want to remember Sesay’s warning about being on top of travel planning and documents.


June 21–July 22

Unsurprisingly, Cancers should find themselves by the ocean and other large bodies of water throughout 2024. If you’ve found yourself disconnected from the water, this year will be all about coming back to your element. For you, 2024 is a also great time to plan a Caribbean getaway or hop on a long cruise. Expect to be very social while on your trips, especially throughout Taurus season. You’ll form close connections with new and old friends and may even encounter a new love interest while on the go.

Best dates to travel

Travel during May Taurus season (May 1 to May 20) will be extremely social.


July 23–August 22

Since Leos are all about adventure, you’ll want to prioritize active travel this upcoming year, especially outdoors. Through activities like hiking, kayaking, snowboarding, and skiing, you’ll connect with nature and also yourself. Sesay also recommends exploring solo traveling this year: “Do some solo travel and indulge in that and really get to know yourself on a more intimate level.”

Best dates to travel

Tap into adventurous travel energy during Aries season from March 21 to April 19.

New experiences, places, and flavors await Virgos this year.

Photo by littlenySTOCK/Shutterstock


August 23–September 22

Step out of your routine and shake up your travel plans in 2024, Virgo. This year will push you to have life-changing travel experiences. In practice, this may look like visiting a new country for the first time, trying new foods and experiences, or allowing yourself to truly unplug from work. “This year they’re really going to be like, ‘you know what, I want to indulge, and I want to pour into myself, and take some time off from work. So it’s going to be about fun as well, too,” notes Sesay.

Best dates to travel

During Taurus season from April 20 to May 20.


September 23–October 22

It’s all about cities for you in 2024, Libra. Ever the bubbly personality, you’ll feel yourself pulled to be social and build a network outside of your typical bubble during this time of the year. Whether you explore New York, London, or Paris, you’ll want to journey to a city you haven’t been to before the year ends.

Best dates to travel

Tap into your social side during Gemini season from May 21 to June 20.


October 23–November 21

Scorpios may want to consider a romantic getaway during the first half of the year. “Some of you may travel with a partner [and] indulge in romance. There might be some sort of proposal on one of those trips. Of course, it depends on your chart,” says Sesay. To take your romantic travels to the next level, consider staying at an adults-only resort or a stylish all-inclusive.

Best dates to travel

During Taurus season from April 20 to May 20.


November 22–December 21

Make your digital nomad dreams a reality in 2024 as Pluto moves into Aquarius at the top of the year. “We all know Sagittarius is also the zodiac sign that is the quintessential world traveler. Jupiter is the ruler of your sign as well. So, this is going to be a year of growth when it comes to working while traveling,” notes Sesay. However, if you’re not quite ready to make a big move abroad, you may also benefit from experimenting with backpacking or studying abroad.

Best dates to travel

During Leo season from July 23 to August 22.

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Maliah West is a New York–based travel writer and editor who previously worked as AFAR’s newsletter editor. Prior to AFAR, she held writing roles at Morning Brew and Business Insider. In her free time, you can find her reading, trying new hobbies, and planning her next trip.
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